A two-part narrative of the author’s viewpoint of the obliteration of nations and the unexpected revelation found along the wayCOOKSTOWN, NEW JERSEY, UNITED STATES, April 17, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — We are now in an ominous tunnel of forces that can sustain or annihilate nations. THROUGH THE EYES OF JOHN: The Annihilation of Nations: A Walk Through Heaven, Earth, and Hell spells out problems facing America and other nations.
J.M. Joseph attended religious schools from the elementary grades throughout high school and college. The author’s concentration was in General Studies, Philosophy, and Theology courses, thereby graduating with a B.A. Degree in Philosophy. Continuing higher education studies in a non-religious Public State University system, Joseph graduated with two master’s degrees in education. Thus, the author was drawn f rom the medical field to that of education.
The book is composed of two parts. Part I is the result of that journey which unexpectedly revealed so much to John. It is not meant to remonstrate or expostulate, but to just share the dichotomy of experiences of one person, what he saw, his viewpoint, and those of others. Part II contains the author’s spiritual experiences. This book shares how nations are presently being destroyed by different sources. As John walked along the path towards spiritual guidance, unknowingly, the turmoil and obstacles that he faced revealed to him later on in life what he was being shown, both in the annihilation of nations and the guidance for souls.
This book is an eye-opener. It serves as a warning. It is the author’s personal theory through years of studying and experience that the annihilation of nations can occur due to natural disasters and warfare, but it can also occur from within by separating citizens from religious faith, family structures, and basic values. All of this has been taking place since the 1960s, led by the Freemasons and Marxists who have tried to destroy the Catholic Church from within. The author delves into the decaying tie that keeps all nations intact, addressing them and hoping for the survival of the world for future generations to move towards peace.
The Reading Glass Books will showcase THROUGH THE EYES OF JOHN: The Annihilation of Nations: A Walk Through Heaven, Earth, and Hell at the London Book Fair, taking place from April 18 to 20, 2023, in Olympia, London. J.M. Joseph’s book will be featured at The Reading Glass Books, stand number 2A114.